Marianna Gyurász - 2024

Marianna Gyurász

06. 10. 2023

Marianna Gyurász was born in Komárno in 1991 and moved to the capital of Slovakia in 2005. She started writing in Komárno, but her introduction to writing was a slow process, it only became more serious years later when she started attending writers' camps. At that time she began to publish, and at the same time she completed her studies in molecular biology at the Comenius University in Bratislava. She defended her dissertation in 2018. In the meantime, she was on a research fellowship in Vienna and Budapest. She currently lives in Budapest, writes poetry and prose, and works in science marketing. Her texts have appeared in Kalligram, Irodalmi Szemle, Pannon Tükör, Prae, Szkholion, the anthologies Lehetnék Bárki and Természetes Vadság, the daily Új Szó, the websites Apokrif on-line, Contextus and dunszt.sk, among others. Her first collection of poems, "Már nem a mi völgyünk", was published in 2022 by Kalligram.