Piotr Macierzyński - 2024

Piotr Macierzyński

12. 10. 2019


Piotr Macierzyński (born 1971) is a poet whose works have appeared in numerous publications, including Studium, Kwartalnik Artystyczny, Lampa, Akcent, Ha!art, Opcje, and Czas Kultury. He has published the following chapbooks: Danse macabre i inne sposoby spędzania wolnego czasu [Danse Macabre and Other Ways of Spending Free Time] (2001), tfu, tfu [ugh!] (2004), Odrzuty [Rejects] (2007), Zbiór zadań z chemii i metafizyki [Chemistry and Metaphysics Exercise Book] (2009), antologia wierszy ss-mańskich [An Anthology of SS-Man Poems] (2011), Kwik (2013), Książka kostnicy (2017).